Freedom is my contribution to Sculpture by The Sea 2018. The work is a self-portrait. I am standing in a barred window gazing out into the world. My worldview is 'framed' by that perspective. The world has a certain quality as a consequence of my view through the barred window. The bars are spaced so that they can be climbed through. Equally, because I am holding the window up, I could put it down and walk away, but I choose to stand here. I am transfixed and charmed by the view. There is a certain intensity here that I prefer, suggesting that the freedom achievable from walking away is equally handicapping.
There is a history of the usage of such framing devices in Australian art. Nolan is the obvious one and artists perhaps influenced by his example. It is possible that I am too, influenced by his example. Alternatively there may be a psychological condition derived from being here in Australia, cast out from elsewhere and also not belonging here either, that is being reflected by all of us.
Formally, the opportunity to suspend a frame in space at a certain size, at a certain height was too compelling and this is the necessary shape to bring that about.
Whatever lies at the bottom of these speculations, there may be nothing there at all, I am not qualified to speculate. I speak unqualified.
In an ideal world I would be 'voiceless'. The work is only as good or as relevant as my capacity to be controlled by the strings that move me to and fro.