Eye Failure

Pocket photo

Pocket photo

We are all well aware of the tendency of the eye to be inaccurate in its assessments of things.

The eye, in its corrupt partnership the brain, shrinks rather than expands the world.

It would be pleased, you would think, to be the purveyor of the new, delivering material straight from the world, to be added to the wealth of information stored in the brain.

But no.

The eye gets its hands sticky in its haste to nominate what comes across its path and fails to deliver.

We always have to stay on guard, be wary of the eye’s mischievous inclinations.

The artist and the inventor are past masters of accident control.

It’s well documented, and yet, we often fail to be surprised when accidental opportunities offer themselves.

This writer takes a lot of photos with their phone. They are always on the lookout for opportunities to be presented, but even armed with this determination, much material is lost.

The ’pocket photo’ shown above might also be called a lapcall. Either way, it is a big place, even though taken at accidental close range. It is a mirror, it reflects where the writer is in the landscape.

It is tainted with walking out among the hills and rocks and trees. It’s a more accurate account of where they are, (the writer), than if the camera had been pointed away from the body, outside.

There are valleys here and a road and bush spread evenly, when it hasn’t been farmed or felled.

It is big and in being big makes the writer in awe of where they are, with a new respect.

PS. Most pocket photos fail to deliver news. They are as unreliable as taste driven photos.