Grit cafe (aDvertisemenT)

The McDonald’s logo towers above Goulbourn as you drive past on the Hume. 

It sheds a sulphur light over the landscape. The golden gates do not invite this reader to pass through. 

You have to stop for petrol sometimes. Food and fuel are bedfellows and right next to McDonald’s The Grit Cafe plays David to Macca’s Goliath. 

Customers here used to park in the McDonald’s car park but McDonald’s built a fence to stop that happening.

The likes of me is drawn to the audacity. The place is packed, the food great. 

At the next table a couple driving to Melbourne from the Gold Coast have full brekkies.  Bacon and eggs, sausages, tomatoes and mushrooms. Strawberry milkshake for the wife. They found Grit on google, recommended. They have to get to Melbourne by tonight, haven’t seen their daughters for a year.

This is Grit news.

I’m riding The Grit wave, while it lasts. The staff are young. They’ll be drawn to bigger opportunities. Let’s hope there are none here at Goulburn too soon.