This blog consists of speculations. I employ a long bow to approach subjects and the targets are therefore difficult to reach.
I am employing that long bow here.
Covert was made in 2006. When you make a work, you are guided by the ideas you have, the material, and your subconscious. You imagine you can steer a work with your intent, but mostly you have to let the work drive itself, in order to manifest any control of its parts.
Covert was made in response to an aspect of my life at that time which was hidden and manifest simultaneously.
Covert now exists inescapably in relation to Covid and prior (imagined) significances drop away.
Now, we are so transfixed by Covid, that Covid is everything and everywhere.
Covert advertises Covid.
Hidden and invisible, Covid has insinuated itself into every part of our life. We obey its instruction. It is irresistible.
Covert 2006
A work is made in the moment in which it was literally manufactured. Then it remakes itself as history sheds new light on it and is made again.
During Covid, I am happy not to make new work as old works around me are remade outside of my will and effort.
As the world changes, so does the work change.
A work can exist in darkness, to virtually not exist at all, and then suddenly be brought to life by a new light shed on it.
Covert 2006 - 2020
The long bow is employed for distant targets, possibly by equestrians? I might have used a different weapon or no weapon at all. I could have let the work sit there, in the patch on which it sits. I could have let thIs moment of light slip past, without acknowledgement. I always believed this work had some merit. I was doing something I hadn’t done before. There is a ‘sculptural’ aspect is this work that some of my works lack.
Covert 2006 - 2020
Time provides an opportunity to look at work from different angles. New angles emerge over time.
Long live the long bow.