Just like a sculpture needs to be hidden, to make you want to look at it, so does beauty everywhere hide. Beauty that insists on being seen, is seen through and is invisible.
The woman at Kennards who rented me the plate lifter was male in gait and in her clothing and her face was dirty. Her voice was rough, in keeping with the expectations of customers. There it was though, plain as day, the face (and body)* of an angel. She was beautiful.
Just like leaves, trees and rocks in front of a sculpture conceal it, to make you want to look, so were these layers of clothes, gait, and demeanour, covers that provided a frame to show the beauty of this woman, this person.
An image of the aforesaid person who served me at Kennards may have been useful to illustrate this idea however, its absence allows us better to imagine her (them) and her (their) **beauty.
* You normally only hear of the face of the angel, as if an accompanying body will somehow diminish the angel status.
** I am only just beginning to transplant gender specific words for gender neutral words.