Artist speaks

This writer has been advised that an artist cannot call themself an ‘artIst’. Others may, but not the artist.

This writer paints and sings and makes sculpture. There is no better word than ‘artist’, to bring the parts together.

This writer, as an artist, can give themself a brief, and execute the brief according to the terms an artist employs.

This artist may, for example elect to reflect on China’s changing place in the world, or the way Coronavirus is changing our lives.

What would they bring though to those discussions, as an ‘artist’? Would a lack of expertise in the subjects limit the scope of their reflection? At what point does reflection become ungrounded?

What makes the terms worthy? What is the nature of the well from which deliberations are sourced?

  1. Reflection. An artist is not constrained by time pressures. They are able to immerse themselves, to give themselves over to a subject independently. They are uniquely qualified to ‘dream’. There is no labour charge and they can work both in and out of work hours

  2. Space. An artist is mostly unqualified to speak through lack of expertise. Their thinking is governed by a specific lack of ‘blinding’ detail. Without detail the subject is plainer to see.

  3. Inspiration. An artist is equipped to be inspired and therefore be taken to a level

    of thinking not available through normal channels and disciplines. Inspiration allows breaking through glass ceilings and any others that may inhibit progress.

  4. Key holder. The artist holds the key. They are both the living god’s lieutenant and the dead one’s.