Rupert Murdoch's Life Work

Rupert Murdoch’s life work represents the revenge to the world for setting Australians apart and separated from where they came.

 The message was, set us apart at your peril.

 We will come and overcome you.

 We will shape you as we see fit as we ourselves were shaped by where we went, were sent.

 There is no sense to this, no message profound, only, we will come over and over come you.

 Whatever you think you are, whoever you think you are, from where you think you came, all of this is nothing.

You will be made by the madness from which we were made. You will submit to the will of will, the core of will, the empty middle of will.

Rupert is a machete. We had to clear the bush. We have to clear the scrub of the world. Scrape the top. Scrape the middle. Scrape the core.

Scrape away the vanity of belief.

Scrape away the vestiges of belief.

Scrape and in scraping shape.

Shape to perfection.

We mean you no harm. Rupert is our message to you. Our letter back.

It’s lovely here.

For manifesting media material Murdoch is by this writer made an honorary member of the SSS. He is the only Melbournian in the group.

This blog seeks to determine the edges of SSS’s brief. It is important to stretch those parameters beyond their capacity. It makes a bigger space so you can stretch and relax.