Contemporary scholars may argue the colours have faded and they may be right. The dead centre of the picture as it appears now is a mauve hole. Being as centred as it is makes it like an abstact element and the figure subject is made peripheral to this central spectral nothingness.
We might speculate whether the shapes here have a universal reference or a vaginal reference. Is this centre a big nothing around which all this other activity is decoration and distraction? The richness of the subject in the rest of the painting provides a stark contrast .
The disciples depicted in the picture to the right of Jesus seem to be as perplexed as I am, wondering at the meaning of this shape with their hand gestures. Jesus discourages this curiosity with his down pressed hand, which makes us to look harder.
Certainly the empty middle cannot be overlooked. One is left with no recourse other than to wonder.
Its central placement is reinforced by a blue sky shape immediately above and below a virtual plinth, being the shattered table.
Certainly Christ’s head is rendered secondary by this other emphasis and we are left with no option but to gaze here..
Perhaps the folds and the oval shape of this centre amplify the scope for this projection.