New home

We used to watch television from an armchair. Because of the harmful rays emitted, the tv was always on the other side of the room . The tv technology then, was room compatible. Technology was architecture compatible.

More recently the relationship between the two has broken down.

The mobile phone has changed everything.

Because everyone has one everywhere, we watch the phone in the way we watched tv. Because we carry it, we can move and watch, moving inside and outside at will.

Because the phone is portable, you move.

We still mostly live indoors in buildings but now there is an another door. There’s outdoors, indoors and ‘alldoors’.

Our devices remove the intermediate spaces in our lives as significant. We are all always both out and at home because of them.

Is there an architecture waiting in the wings to accommodate the new door? Do we need to suspend the relationship between home and a building?

Phone is the new home.