Pocket Pano No.1
Pocket calls, pockets photos, pocket videos. Pocket panos is new. A panorama of emptiness is something else, something to appeal to a minimalist sensibility.
I shouldn’t spoil it though, to give away how this image came about. I can only take credit for having noticed it. I might otherwise have overlooked it as another phone foible.
Pocket Pano No.2
Our phones have a will of their own. Mine though was onto something and produced this too for me to notice. It helped there were precedents in painting that explored similar emptiness, similar structures.
Pocket Pano No,3
The panorama option on the phone presents a breadth of vision only available from scanning the landscape. That one could span an emptiness and derive an equally satisfying richness is a testament to the early modern adage that less is more.
The Pocket Panos employ an aesthetic derived from contemporary practices. Their value here is diminished by being wrought in light on this screen.